Dear guests, browsing this forum,
Dear new members,
Thank you for your interest and motivation, reading this introduction. You hope this topic will learn you a bit more about TFK? Indeed it will!
This is not a post containing the names of all our members.
We love every single one of you but it would lead us to far:)
Please feel free to introduce yourself in the memberspart; we of TFK are always searching new friends to get to know.
Instead this is a general profile of a typical TFK-member.
We of TFK try to be kind helpful people, we like our members of TFK to be kind, helpful people too.People who aren't selfish, people who care about each other.
Members of TFK carry this respect throughout the game; they realise that KOC is a war-game, but that all of the players around them are real people, with feelings.
This way we hope to gain many friends and allies, earning their respect, giving them ours.
Further, TFK is an alliance that focuses on Newbs ( no Noobs, that's something different ). TFK is an alliance that welcomes specifically people that are new to KOC
in its ranks ( off course everybody is welcome, old veterans too ).
We want to offer them the chance to learn about KOC from experienced players that have seen it all come and go, from OrcTank to Fury ( Orctank was the first real professional player of koc, Fury is the current n°1 in age 8 beta )
They will get clickboosts, goldtargets, a bunch of fun in an interesting forum with different topics, they will get to know each other and become good friends.
TFK is a neutral clan; we are independent of all the massive, anonymous, undemocratic alliances like PR, Cosa Nostra etc. This implies being a part of our chain will give you protection, but will never get you into a war because for example "the n°2 of KOC insulted the n°6 on msn after which their chains start massing each other".
This does not mean we will stay quiet when any of our members gets mistreated by another player in KOC. All of TFK will then stand up as one united force.
The TFK-staff ( dwarfking, grandmasterphil, thanh )